Ep. 4 Can Black People Be Racist?
In this episode of the "4 the Proletariat" podcast, host Supersolid delves into the issue of racism through the lens of functionalist theory. Functionalism, a sociological perspective, views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote stability and social order. Supersolid explores how, despite its destructive impact, racism can be seen as fulfilling certain functions within a society according to this theory. For instance, it may reinforce cohesion among dominant groups by delineating a clear "us versus them" dynamic. Additionally, the podcast discusses how racism can perpetuate existing social structures by justifying the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, which may inadvertently maintain societal stability. By critically analyzing these concepts, Supersolid invites listeners to consider how understanding these functions can inform efforts to dismantle systemic racism and promote a more equitable society.
Thanks to our monthly supporters- DeMarreo Shavers
- Philip Coombs
- Damaris Villalobos
- Linda Perkowski