Ep. 6 Mo' Panda Mo' Problems

In this episode, Supersolid dives into a treasure trove of video submissions that are like a buffet of bizarre human interactions. Highlighting a particularly spicy exchange with a "Karen"—you know, the kind who thinks "the customer is always right" means "I’m right and you’re wrong"—Supersolid breaks it down like a pro. 

With a mix of sharp wit and eyebrow-raising commentary, he sheds light on the art of social etiquette, or lack thereof. Who knew navigating a conversation could feel like dodging landmines? By the end, you’ll not only be chuckling at the absurdity but also armed with the tools to handle your own real-life Karens. Get ready for a hilariously enlightening ride through the wild world of human behavior!

Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Jer.PigBear
  • Chay
  • mysticthemenace
  • DeMarreo Shavers
  • Philip Coombs
  • Damaris Villalobos
  • Linda Perkowski
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